An Interview with Our Zips Lacrosse Team

One of the hottest Lacrosse teams in the nation right now calls Akron, Ohio their home.  The Zips Lacrosse team is currently undefeated and ranked in the Top 5 nationally.  We discussed that ranking and much more with Head Coach Nick Lopez, Assistant Coach Bill Samilson, Vice-President Tyler Skoloda, and President Nick Poghen.  Enjoy!

Q: For those who haven't always followed the team, can you tell us a little about the history of the program?

Poghen: The team was officially established in 1989 as a club program much like many other universities across the country without an NCAA program. After a few years of development, it became a team of interest for league consideration while remaining independent from 2007-2009. We ended up joining the National College Lacrosse League (NCLL) in 2010 and have competed in it since. Throughout its time, the program has grown in numbers each season and has made multiple playoff and tournament appearances.

Q: Where does the team look for new talent?  Most players are come from in-state high schools, correct?

Poghen: Generally, yes. Our team has been comprised of local talent and guys from across the state. However, we never limit ourselves to Ohio alone. We have extended our reach across the country and have recruited guys from all over the map. Currently, along with our guys from Ohio, our team consists of players from California, New York, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. The team has also been lucky to receive some NCAA lacrosse transfers as well. We are always on the lookout for someone anytime and from anywhere! 

Q: What skills and attributes do you look for in new players?

Poghen: We are always looking for players that can consistently play at a high pace the game of lacrosse requires at the collegiate level. It is our goal to find players that are not only talented but can keep this program successful when the years go by. Talent is not our only focus though. We pride ourselves in representing our program with the utmost class and respect and it is expected that all our players be this way always. Men who are willing to put the time and effort into this program while representing it with the highest level of class and professionalism is what this team is all about.

Q: For those not as familiar with Lacrosse, what do you suggest as the best way to learn about the game?  

Poghen: The best way to learn lacrosse is simply to watch it. Take basketball, soccer, and hockey, combine a little bit of each together and boom, you make lacrosse. When you cannot watch it in person, YouTube is your best friend. We have an excellent YouTube channel (Akron Zips Lacrosse) that shows all our game highlights and gives a general understanding of what a game looks like. There are many rules that can seem confusing at first but watch a few games and anyone can gain an understanding of it.

Q: What makes coming to an Akron Zips Lacrosse game unique compared to other team sports?

Poghen: The thing that makes coming to a game so unique is that it is the fastest game on two feet and we offer it right on our own campus. Akron offers one of the only collegiate lacrosse programs in the area, so it is a great opportunity to see the sport first hand and cheer on the Zips at the same time. Lacrosse has been around for over 700 years. It is a Native American sport known as the “medicine game” and they used it mainly for healing rituals as well as recreation. It is such a privilege to be a part of this historic legacy. There is so much meaning and history behind it that makes it special. This is what makes it so unique to others.

Q: What is the biggest thing you wish more people knew about Akron Zips Lacrosse?  

Skoloda: To start not specifically to Akron, we wish more people knew about lacrosse in general and how truly great the sport is. The sport is growing at an outstanding rate, especially in North East Ohio. Focusing on Akron, it is great to be a part of a team that helps contribute so well to that growth. We represent hard work, commitment, and determination to that game and our teammates. North East Ohio is by no means a “hot spot” for lacrosse despite its growing numbers. Regardless, we currently hold a #2 ranking in the country. It proves we can hold our own and beat these teams that are in the largest lacrosse areas around. This is achieved by working harder than every other team out there and being the best, we can be.

Q: Congratulations on your #2 ranking.  How important is it to the program to have built up to that incredible achievement?

Poghen: Thank you! Reaching #2, let alone a top 5 ranking has been a goal of ours for many years. This is the highest ranking we have ever received in program history and we are extremely excited to have earned it. It is extremely important to us that we have reached this achievement as our guys give their utmost effort every game week after week. We want to show that our late-night practices, film sessions, and chalk talk have benefited us. Most importantly, we want to show that our hard work paid off and we met a goal we set out for every week.

Q: What are the short and long term goals of the program moving forward?

Lopez: From a short-term perspective, we want to continue to provide a product that represents the university at the highest level possible each year. This ranges from community activation to our performance on the field. We also see short term in accomplishments we can make throughout the season. Every week, it is to beat the next team on our schedule. Following that, it is to win our conference championship and follow that with competing in the elite 8 for the national tournament. The aim is to develop and grow ourselves as individuals and as players. (Samilson) Long-term, we want to continue to build a foundation for our program. The goal is to continually promote lacrosse growth on campus and within the local Akron community. As always, we want to continuously improve the athletic product we put on the field and sustain it for futures players.

Q: Aside from coming to games, how can students/alumni/fans support the team?  

Samilson: There is not a ton of things people can do outside of the team. The best thing to do is stay connected with us through our social media and engage with us. We are planning on starting an annual fundraiser in the upcoming months as well. It will be a fun way to get to know the team and the sport better! As always, coming to games is the best support we ask for and we love playing in front of a fun and rowdy Akron crowd.

Q: Is there anything else you want your fellow Zips to know?

Poghen: If there’s anything else we’d like our fellow Zips to know, its that our program is here to stay. Thanks to our countless alumni coaching staff over the years as well as excellent family and fan support, we have really been able to build an enriching and successful program. We love putting on the navy and gold and going out to play lacrosse for Akron. Our student-athletes put many hours into the game on top of other commitments and we want to let it show. It is something we take very seriously and pride ourselves in to consistently be one of the best programs in the country. If you cannot be at a game, follow our Twitter (@ZipsMLAX), Instagram (zipsmlax) and Facebook (Akron Zips Lacrosse) for the latest updates and highlights on our journey to the national championship. We truly thank you for all your support. Go Zips!


  1. Great write up! As a Zips Men's Lax Alumnus I am happy to see how much this program has grown. They truly deserve the national ranking and I hope that they keep up their amazing season!


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