An Interview with University of Akron President Matthew Wilson

Recently, we interviewed President Matthew Wilson on the future of the University of Akron, the biggest challenges we face, his athletic background, and much, much more.  We hope you enjoy, and thank you to President Wilson for taking the time to answer our questions.

Q: As 2017 will soon come to a close, what are your proudest accomplishments for the University of Akron this year?

Helping get UA back on track and moving in the right direction in terms of student satisfaction, community engagement, fundraising, and financial performance. The elimination of our $30 million projected operating deficit and $12 million addition to our reserves was nothing short of remarkable.  The collective efforts of everyone were greatly appreciated.  Also, it has been wonderful seeing folks take note of the successful outcomes of our students.  

Q: What are you most excited about heading into 2018?

Continuing to assist the students is first and foremost.  Also, we have some additional innovations in the works as it relates to technology, scheduling, practical training, and scholarships.

Q: What are the biggest challenges the University still faces?

With a significant drop in enrollment over the past 6-7 years, we need to continue to transform from a financial standpoint.  We need to continue to find ways to be distinctive, and convey to prospective and students that UA provides an incredible return on investment.

Q: We've seen you showing off some serious skills at basketball games and on campus.  What playing experience do you have?  Did you ever play any other sports?

I have been playing basketball from the age of 5.  Growing up, I was always the smallest kid on the court.  However, I was almost always the quickest as well.  My quickness combined with my sharp shooting skills enabled me to succeed on the court.  In fact, I once scored 60 points during a game in junior high school.  I have continued to play competitively to this day, and tend to excel in any environment.  In fact, it has been an honor having students invite me to play point guard on their teams.

In terms of other sports, I have played baseball competitively.  In fact, I played for a semi-pro team for a company in Japan.  I played third base and pitched for the team.  In fact, my pitching skills enabled me to land a position with this Japanese company.  Recreationally, I like to play tennis, golf, and volleyball.  I love to ski as well.   

Q: What does it mean having LeBron James and his Family Foundation with such a strong connection to the University?

Our relationship with the LeBron James Family Foundation draws attention to The University of Akron in a positive light, and helps us form even greater bonds with the community.

Q: Students and alumni are very excited about the return of baseball.  What made its return a priority for you?  What has been the response from the community since the announcement?

Having been here at UA when baseball was cancelled, I saw the community’s reaction to the loss of this long-standing tradition at the University.  When I became President, everyone was asking when baseball was coming back.  Given the financial challenges of the University, my initial response was that we would consider bringing baseball back only when we had the financial resources to do so.  Baseball costs the University about $800,000 per year.

Personally, I have an affinity for baseball.  Helping students achieve their dreams is a passion.  I also have a creative streak.  Combining all three of these into one, I came up with a different approach that will enable baseball to pay for itself so long as we can raise the start-up costs.  The new approach involves focusing on Ohio student-athletes and private funding for scholarships.  

The community is excited about baseball at UA.  To make the return of baseball possible though, we are looking to our alumni and supporters to assist us financially with the startup costs. We are looking to raise about $300,000 to bring baseball back.  We are about one-third to this goal, and hope that the community steps up to help us realize our goal of restarting the program in 2019-20.

Q: You've spent time working to connect the University of Akron to the international community.  What do people know of UA and the city of Akron when you first meet them?

Globally, folks know Akron for Goodyear. Depending on the country, some folks recognize Akron for Lebron James.  Others recognize us for soccer.  Academically, polymers, engineering, and business are widely known.  Many more folks are seeing UA for law and other things too.

Q: We see you on campus, at games, at events...when do you sleep?

That is my trade secret.

Q: Everyone does something in college that they shake their head at in embarrassment when looking back on as an adult.  Do you have a good story you can share from your college days?

Not really.  I received two undergraduate degrees from the University of Utah in approximately two calendar years.  At the time, I was a commuter student paying for his own education so I was too busy working while going to school.  By the time I made it to law school, I was married with a daughter.  Studying, working, and family time were my life.  This may sound boring to some, but it sure paid off.  

Q: What are your favorite professional sports teams and athletes?

We are recent converts to the Cleveland sports scene.  Having grown up in Utah though, I am a big Utah Jazz fan and absolutely adored John Stockton and Karl Malone.  The Denver Broncos were my team as a kid, but I shifted my allegiance over to the Philadelphia Eagles after spending some time in Philadelphia.  Similarly, I was an LA Dodgers fan growing up and then shifted to the Phillies.  Now, I am enamored with the Cleveland Indians.  Go Tribe!

Q: It's been debated nationally, so we need to know your stance - is a hot dog a sandwich?  

No.  A hot dog is a creation unto its own.

Q: What are your opinions on the College Football Playoff?  Should teams from Group of Five conferences like Akron be more involved?

It needs to be expanded to 8 or 16 teams.  I would love to see more involvement from the Group of Five conferences.

Q: As you may know, Jimmy Kimmel does a running bit on his show called "Mean Tweets" where celebrities read mean tweets that are sent to them...what is the meanest tweet you've ever received (that you can share with us)?

The overwhelming majority tweets that I receive are very positive.  At the same time, there is an expectation that exists among some that I know everything or can fix anything. As a result, I do get some pretty interesting tweets.  Although it was not a tweet, my favorite “mean tweet” came in letter form recently.  This person graduated from UA about twenty years ago.  He asked me to personally issue a public apology on behalf of the university because he had received parking fines during his time at UA for parking in faculty lots or failing to display a parking permit.  

Q: How can the University get more students attending athletic contests and other events?  

This is a question that is constantly in my mind.  There are so many wonderful opportunities on our campus to take advantage of.  Maybe that is the problem – with over 300 clubs and activities going on every evening in the world of sports, music, theatre, and the like, it is difficult to catch up.  Hopefully students realize that attending events can make their experience at UA even more enjoyable.

Q: There have been rumors about building a new arena or renovated the JAR.  Is there anything you can tell us about this?

We recently just raised money to support a $1.8 million scoreboard, sound system, and experience in the JAR.  If you haven’t stopped by, you need to check it out.  We are working to raise money to renovate the JAR and invite our alums and supporters to help out.  Together, we can create a special space that will serve students for decades to come.

Q: We enjoyed watching you on ZTV's UA @ Night show.  How important are ZTV and WZIP to the University and should we expect more cameos?

ZTV and WZIP are exceptional operations that help provide hands on practical training and draw positive attention to UA.  Hosting ZTV’s UA@Night show was awesome.  Hopefully I didn’t blow it and the crews will invite me back for more.

Q: President Wilson, we sincerely thank you for your time.  Is there anything else you would like to share with students and alumni reading this?

Go Zips!  As for a message, please do come out to as many events as possible on our campus.  Bring a friend along too.  Not only will you be blown away by the talent, but your attendance is invaluable to supporting the University.
