How to Engage More Fans at James A. Rhodes Arena
We'll begin this article by stating the obvious - a new arena would be better than anything listed below. In a perfect scenario, the city of Akron and The University of Akron could come together on an arena project and make it happen. Until that day comes (and hopefully soon), here's our best ideas: Give the students Section L This is by no means an attack on our students that attend games and sit in sections F-H. But there's a few reasons the current setup doesn't work. Trying to get chants going with a barrier between Sections F-H and Section 5 is nearly impossible. Same for when Sections F-H try to do so with the opposite end zone. If we're being honest, the seats aren't great either, as most have an obstructed view. I've always preferred to sit up higher. It's not that I don't want to be close - I just don't feel like poking my head back and forth for 40 minutes of a game trying to see around the hoop directly in front of me....